本帖最后由 万得福 于 2015-11-15 15:22 编辑
Syrian refugees beginning to arrive in New Orleans
目前是每年七万,从今年起增加到每年十万,一直到2017 年。 目前的camp 人满为患,正在增加新的camp。有些已经开始私有化
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/10/21/us/where-syrian-refugees-are-in-the-united-states.html?_r=0A Trickle of Syrian Refugees Settles Across the United StatesBy HAEYOUN PARK OCT. 21, 2015
The United States has accepted only a small fraction of
the four million refugees who have fled Syria. But they
are settling in new places, and more are on the way.
Where Syrian refugees were placed, 2012-15
To ease integration, Syrian refugees
are placed in communities where
there are other Syrian immigrants.
More than 150,000 Syrians already live in the United States, according to census figures, and refugees who have relatives in the country are likely to be resettled with or near them. Those who do not have family in the United States are placed where jobs are more plentiful and the cost of housing is low.Refugees receive help finding work and housing, but they are expected to become self-sufficient within a year. The agencies in charge of resettlement take into account how earlier waves of refugees often assist new arrivals with the moving process, with food and with explanations about the United States. “It’s like taking someone from a very small, dark room to a very, very big world,” said Hussam Al Roustom, who arrived in Jersey City in June after fleeing Syria for Jordan. “This is why I want to help others go through what I have gone through.”
Notes: All data are for fiscal years, which run from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30. Data for the maps are through the end of the 2015 fiscal year and do not include refugees admitted since Oct. 1, 2015.
Sources: Refugee Processing Center, U.S. State Department; Office of Refugee Resettlement, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Migration Policy Institute; socialexplorer.com
Additional work by K.K. Rebecca Lai
Correction: October 26, 2015 In an earlier version of this graphic, the key for a map showing people with Syrian ancestry was incorrectly labeled. The map shows people of Syrian ancestry, per 100,000 residents, not 1,000 residents.