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Notes on The Metaphysical Foundation of Modern Physics Science

发表于 2013-6-7 11:05:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Metaphysical Foundation of Modern Physics Science
by Edwin Arthur Burtt (第一版1924,二版1932)
Chapter I. Introduction
(A) The History Problem Suggested by theNature of Modern Thought
-- recurrent problems of its philosophers
-- medieval physics
  Theentire world of nature was held not only to exist for man’s sake, but to belikewise immediately present and fully intelligible to his mind.
  NO “time,space, mass, energy”
  BUT“substance, essence, matter, form, quality, quantity”
(B) The Metaphysical Foundation of ModernScience the Key to this Problem
   Medievalvs modern metaphysics
-- substance, accident, causality, essenceand idea, matter & form, potentiality & actuality
-- forces, motions, laws, changes of massin space and time
Chapter II. Copernicus and Kepler
A. The Problem of the New Astronomy
-- Ptolemaic method was still successful
-- Copernicus: a simpler and moreharmonious mathematical order
B. Metaphysical Bearings of thePre-Copernican Progress in Mathematics
-- later Middle Age: revival ofmathematical study
C. Ultimate Implications of Copernicus’Step—Revival of Pythagoreanism
-- mathematical structure
-- Aristotelianism vs Platonism
D. Kepler’s Early Acceptance of the NewWorld-Scheme
-- Stereometria Dolorum 1615
-- Neo-Platonism
-- seeker of exact mathematical knowledgeof astronomical nature
-- 前辈:Nicholas of Cusa
E. First Formulation of the New Metaphysics
-- Causality, Quantity, Primary andSecondary Qualities
-- Causality: whyà demonstrates their orderly and rational mathematical connexion
-- The real world is a world ofquantitative characteristics
Chapter III. Galileo
A. The Science of “Local Motion”
Galileo’s science of dynamics
B. Nature as Mathematical Order
-- Galileo’s Method
-- Mathematical language, principles ofgeometry
-- From a few experiments valid conclusionscan be drawn
-- Galileo’s method, three steps: intuitionor resolution, demonstration experiment
-- God made the world an immutablemathematical system
C. The Subjectivity of Secondary Qualities
-- world I: absolute, objective, immutableand mathematical
world II: relative, subjective, fluctuating, sensible
I: number, figure, magnitude, position andmotion à geometrical
II: all other qualities
-- Galileo’s atomism
-- Manà out of the real and primary realm
-- 有点像 Plato’s Form
D. Motion, Space and Time
-- objective analysis from “why” to “how”
-- Real world is a world of bodies movingin space and time
E. The Nature of Causality—God and thePhysical World—Positivism 实证主义
-- ultimate causes of motion, force
-- Medieval Philosophy:
Nature essentially qualitative --> Man --> God
  God--> Man
     --> Nature as an independent existence
Chapter IV. Descartes
          (material universe, body-mind)
A. Mathematics as the Key to Knowledge
-- new tool: analytical geometry
B. Geometrical Conception of the PhysicalUniverse
-- vortex theory
  differentfrom the Platonic-Aristotelian
-- Christian view: God has created thephysical world for the purpose of man who needs to find his way back to God
--> first cause of motion
C. “Res extensa” and “res cogitans”
-- the secondary qualities are in equalreality but less important entity
-- 广延性,非广延性
D. Problem of Mind and Body
-- Body & Mind Relation
Chapter V. Seventeenth-Century English Philosophy
A. Hobbes’ Attack on the Cartesian Dualism
-- Hobbes 唯物主义者
-- Treatise of Human Nature
B. Treatment of Secondary Quantities andCausality
-- Hobbes’ materialistic reduction of theCartesian dualism
-- all sense qualities subjective
-- Hobbes’ materialism+ nominalism 唯名论
C. More’s Notion of Extension as a Categoryof Spirit
-- Henry More
-- accept the general structure of the primary-secondarydoctrine on Galileo
-- Cartesian rather than Hobbesian lines
-- Immortality of the Soul by More
D. The “Spirit of Nature”
-- the vicarious power of God upon matter(More)
E. Space as the Divine Presence
-- everything real is extended
  Godis an extended being
-- space and its relation to the divinebeing
-- The absolute space (More优先权?) must be a real existence.
-- Ralph Cadworth (Cambridge thinkers)
F. Barrow’s Philosophy of Method, Space andTime
-- Lectiones Mathematicae (1664-66)
-- Newtonian “philosophy”的关系
-- Space and Time acquired new meanings,became of central importance in men’s thinking
-- 几何——空间——加速度——时间——Metaphysical meaning
Chapter VI. Gilbert and Boyle
A. The Non-Mathematical Scientific Current
-- William Gilbert: On the Loadstone andMagnetic Bodies
-- Magnetic force is something animate, itimitates a soul
-- William Harvey, circulation of the blood--> ethereal spirit
B. Boyle’s Importance as Scientist andPhilosopher
-- Boyle’s philosophy definition -->natural reason of man, free from prejudices and partiality
C. Acceptance and Defense of the MechanicalWorld View
-- Boyle: importance of mathematics in anatomistic interpretation of the chemical world
D. Value of Qualitative and TeleologicalExplanation
E. Insistence of Reality of SecondaryQualities—Conception of Man
-- Galileo and Descartes: mechanical world withoutman
Boyle Conception of Man (Man as the observer)
F. Pessimistic View of Human Knowledge
-- Positivism
-- How any certain knowledge at all ispossible of the real corporeal world outside, with which the soul is never incontact? How is it possible for it to build up an orderly system of ideas thatshall truly represent a world forever inaccessible to it?
-- interaction between the soul and theworld
G. Boyle’s Philosophy of the Ether
-- How to observe the ether?
-- the theory of Ether in the 17thcentury
More, Gilbert
-- Robert Hooke, 1666, a letter to Boyle:experiments on the subject of gravity
H. God’s Relation to the Mechanical World
I. Summary of the Pre-Newtonian Development
-- Copernicus --> mathematicalsimplicity, Platonic-Pythagorean conception
-- Kepler: beauty and harmony
-- Galileo: mathematically reducible world,a world of extension, figure, motion and weight
-- Descartes: first modern mechanicalcosmology, body-mind proposal
-- More: the spirit of God (extension,omnipresence)
-- Gilbert & Harvey: empiricalscientific movement without math
-- Boyle: stimulated by Gassendi’s revivalof Epicurean atomism
Chapter VII. The Metaphysics of Newton
Section 1. Newton’s Method
A. The Mathematical Aspect
-- Mathematical Principles of NaturalPhilosophy
  “Weoffer this work as mathematical principles of philosophy”
B. The Empirical Aspect
-- empirical and experimental vs. deductiveand mathematical
C. Attack on “Hypotheses”
D. Newton’sUnion of Mathematics and Experiments
Section 2. The Doctrine of Positivism
Section 3. Newton’s General Conception of the World, andof Man’s Relation to It
-- The world of physics is the sensibleworld, but can be reduced to mathematical laws
-- Man: hear, smell, touch etc.
Section 4. Space, Time and Mass
-- Criticism of Newton’s Philosophy of Space and Time
  Berkeley’s Principle of HumanKnowledge
Section 5. Newton’s Conception of the Ether
A. The Function of the Ether
-- it propagates motion across distances
B. Newton’s Early Speculations
C. Development of a More Settled Theory
Section 6. God-Creator and Preserver of theOrder of the World
A. Newton as Theologian
B. God’s Present Duties in the CosmicEconomy
C. The Historical Relation of Newton’sTheism
Chapter VIII. Conclusion
-- the transformation of the metaphysicalview: (1) of reality; (2) of causality; (3) of the human mind
-- world of atoms
-- God from Supreme Final Cause(中世纪)--> First Efficient Cause
这书没有涉及到Post-NewtonianPhysics (except Berkeley and Huxley),抽取的人物都是从今天角度看来伟大的科学家,但是未必在当时是最为显要的。原因很明显,很多成就必须要用时间来检验。所以一个更好的方法是把当时同时代的其他人物也介绍一下,看看为什么他们的理论消亡了,而不是只是选择几个事后诸葛亮似的样品做描述性分析。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-8 12:42:19 | 显示全部楼层


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