其实这个问题的实质, 很多网友, 包括我老都在贵站反反复复说了无数遍:
Children may not know better, but producers and ABC's management should
不错, 点到了问题的实质, 不是Jimmy鸡毛狡辩的, 他不赞成, 是不应该播放
Representative Mike Honda (CA-17), Chair Emeritus: “The ABC network
recently allowed comedian Jimmy Kimmel to air a skit in which a group of
children suggested that "we kill everyone in China" to avoid paying back the
national debt. Some things are funny, but racial hatred is not one of them
. These statements, left unchecked, promote intolerance, and I am concerned
that the producers of Mr. Kimmel's program allowed this to air. Children may
not know better, but producers and ABC's management should.
“An apology must be issued, and I sincerely hope the network uses better
judgment in the future. As a Japanese-American who was put in an internment
camp during World War II, I have firsthand experience of this country's
discriminatory intolerance, prejudice, and hysteria. Having worked hard in
Congress to promote diversity and acceptance, I believe Mr. Kimmel's program
is an affront not only to the Chinese, but to all who promote human dignity