闲话少说言归正传,还是聊聊旧金山的可负担房屋吧。什么是“可负担房屋”呢,我上面已经讲了,在真资本主义国家,住的起你就住,不存在“可负担房屋”,所以一听“可负担房屋” 你就知道这都是社会主义蟊贼整的害人害己的混账玩意了。随便在狗狗输入比如“how san francisco fight for affordable housing”,第一篇就是这篇:http://www.sfexaminer.com/heres- ... ble-housing-crisis/
再往下翻翻“可负担房屋”怎么个程序,你可以找到这篇: https://www.marketwatch.com/stor ... r-268000-2016-07-05
There are strict zoning requirements. Most of the city has zoning rules preventing buildings taller than 40 feet, which some would like to see lifted.
There is the network of advocacy groups working to curtail new development, their arguments ranging from the aesthetic (“It’ll block my view of the water!”) to the political (preventing luxury housing in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods).
“effectively subsidizing upper-middle-class people to move in and paving the way for gentrification in historically low-income neighborhoods.”
One turned down a raise she was offered between the lottery and move-in so she would still qualify, while another passed up overtime because the extra money would have put her over the income limit.