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zt: The Indian and the Sandmann

发表于 2019-1-25 14:43:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Indian and the Sandmann
Even if you live under a rock, in a cave or on the moon, you've no doubt heard about the kerfuffle in Washington, D.C. between a MAGA hat-wearing boy, an Indian with a drum, black racist cult members and the Trump Derangement Syndrome-suffering mainstream media and Twitterverse.
You had to have heard about it. It's consumed the MSM since Friday, when they all got it all wrong (exceptReason.com). And they're mostly still getting it wrong.
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental illness that infects all the mainstream media and half or more of America. It has afflicted the country like a plague from outer space; its effects so profound that it has sent seemingly rational people into fits of wailing and crying as if their young child just died. Experienced journalists suffering from TDS — long thought to have been seekers and arbiters of the truth — have abandoned all sense of propriety and no longer even feign objectivity where President Donald Trump or his supporters are concerned.
The narrative that broke the Twitterverse and the minds of "journalists" everywhere was that a bunch of privileged white kids from a Kentucky Catholic school shouted racial slurs and invective first at a few black dudes preaching the Bible, then at a poor old Indian man named Nathan Phillips who was marching for "Native American rights" and was also a Vietnam veteran. The Catholic boys mobbed the poor Indian man who was only minding his business and banging a drum, preventing him from moving forward. The leader of the Catholic pack was a white privileged MAGA-hat wearing racist who smirked disrespectfully at the poor Indian "elder."
Even the so-called "conservative" media piled on, the worst of which was National Review, which posted an article titled, "The Covington Students Might as Well Have Spit on the Cross" (since deleted). The kids were even thrown under the bus by their own school, which issued a statement condemning the students and apologizing to Phillips.
But it's all fake news.
The kids were minding their own business, doing what they were instructed to do — gathering at the Lincoln Memorial — while waiting for their bus to arrive. Through no fault of their own, they got caught in the maelstrom of insanity that is Social Marxism, identity politics and rabid anti-Trumpism.
The black dudes "preaching the Bible" were part of a cult of black supremacists who claim to be descendants of Israelites and who condemn whites as devils. The Black Hebrew Israelites are so radical that even the Southern Preposterous Lie Center calls them a "hate group," probably the only leftist group to ever earn such a designation from the SPLC.
They started taunting the kids with racial and homophobic slurs and told a black student in the group that his school peers would harvest and eat his organs because he's black. The kids responding by shouting out a few school spirit chants to drown out the expletives and invective being hurled at them.
It was then that Phillips marched into the crowd, singling out MAGA-hat wearing Nick Sandmann. Phillips got into Sandmann's grill and proceeded to beat his drum in his face and chant. He did it, Phillips claimed, to calm down the situation; because nothing says calm down like getting in someone's face and banging a drum. (For the snowflakes and feminazis reading this, in man world one man getting into the face of another is a direct challenge — sort of like a slap with a glove. It's an invitation to fisticuffs. And that's precisely what Phillips wanted.)
Sandmann, showing great restraint, just stood there and smiled. He even nodded to one of his buddies that all was OK. But since we have devolved into George Orwell's1984 dystopia, we learn that Sandmann committed a "facecrime," by smiling — or "smirking" his "white privilege" as the leftists categorized it — rather kicking the snot out of the old man.
Rather than apologize after complete videos came out showing the conventional wisdom narrative was wrong, much of the MSM either deleted their initial stories and tweets without correction or comment, or they issued lame non-apology apologies that blamed Sandmann and his "gang" for a series of "isms" because they wore red MAGA hats; implying that whatever fate that befalls them is deserved. That justified the calls for "smashing the kids faces" or "feeding them into the woodchipper" that ensued on Twitter. The rest piled on, looking at school photos to find students in "blackface" (it was a blackout game) and racist hand gestures (basketball players signaling their teammate had just scored a three-pointer).
What the MSM also didn't do is correct its lionization of Phillips, who falsely claimed to have served in Vietnam. He didn't. And he was AWOL three times in four years and was a refrigerator repairman, not a "recon ranger" as he claims. He also has a criminal record, including convictions or guilty pleas for assault and escape and a host of alcohol-related charges from his early years.
The day after his encounter with Sandmann, Phillips and a group of "Native American activists" tried to enter the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., during evening mass, chanting and banging on drums in order to disrupt the service. Because he wanted peace and conciliation, I guess.
That's the left's hero, while 16-year-old Sandmann is being raked over the coals. And the media wonder why people hate them.

发表于 2019-1-26 18:18:37 | 显示全部楼层
左臂就是以黑反黑, 反这反那, 最后就是 Woman should support Woman.  
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