https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li ... s#2010%E2%80%932021
只是有人指控没实锤的,还没尘埃落定的都没算。比如Brett Kavanaugh,Matt Gaetz都没算在内。
Eric Massa, Representative (Democrat-New York)
Anthony Weiner, Representative (Democrat-New York)
David Wu, Representative (Democrat-Oregon)
John Conyers Jr., US Congressman (Democrat-Michigan)
Katie Hill, U.S. Representative (Democrat-California)
Jack Tarpley Camp Jr., (R) Judge in the US District Court for the North District of Georgia
Mark Souder, Representative (Republican-Indiana)
Chris Lee, Representative (Republican-New York)
Scott DesJarlais, Representative (Republican-Tennessee)
Vance McAllister, Representative (Republican-Louisiana)
Blake Farenthold, US Representative (Republican-Texas)
Dennis Hastert, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (Republican-Illinois
Donald Trump (Republican), the 45th President of the United States
Tim Murphy, Representative (Republican-Pennsylvania)
Joe Barton, Representative (Republican-Texas)
Trent Franks, Representative (Republican-Arizona)
Pat Meehan, Representative (Republican-Pennsylvania)
Jim Jordan, Representative (Republican-Ohio)