楼主 |
发表于 2020-6-16 20:53:54
本帖最后由 kaleege 于 2020-6-16 20:57 编辑
面对选民,政客肯定要讲话术的,多正常的事。不是说你非得编谎话,但是说真话也得有技巧地讲,不能得罪人。没有讲话的技巧,就根本不具备做一个政客的资格。川普这种大嘴性格就不适合当政客,结果就是这样,搞得天下大乱。难道这就是川粉要的change? 你求仁得仁,你要大嘴政客,就必须承受激起公愤的后果。
“I'll let all the legal analysts and talking heads address those issues. The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner. The prosecution and the defense made their arguments. The juries were properly instructed that in a case such as this reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict. And once the jury has spoken, that's how our system works. ” |